Sunday, January 3, 2010


I certainly wish i could figure out how to download photos onto this blog.
Over the Christmas holiday there were so many good pictures taken ... but the BEST were on New Years Eve.
Several Peace Corps Volunteers and quite a few towniees camped out on the beach together.
Tonga was the first place on planet earth to say good bye to 2009 and the first place on the planet to welcome the new year.
This year December had two full moons, special enough; but the second full moon came on new years eve. It was KraZy watching the sun melt into the sea to the west followed soon after by the full moon rising in the east. The party with camp fires and flame throwing dances went throughout the night. Then at days break when the sky began to lighten up the full moon sank into the sea to the west at the same time that the sun rose in the EAST ... omg ... A MOST AUSPICIOUS OCCASION .... pictures to follow ... someday !!!!

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