Sunday, May 24, 2009

unlock your bike and free your mind

I have decided to give the church bells that ring loudly outside my window 100 times @ 0530 and on special occasions 0430 ... like this morning ... NEW MEANING ... at least new meaning to ME. I'm not going to get up out of my bed and join the church choir, which i can hear through my rain soaked closed windows...instead I'm going to be filled with an early morning inspiration! Just for beginners, how do they ever get that many people to show up on a rainy, dark and very wet morning is beyond me, but the church rocks with their voices singing LOUDLY.

Soooo what i have decided to do once i hear the bells begin to ring, is to wake up and write in my blog or deepen my yoga/meditation practice by adding an extra hour to either one each day. Today since the bells rang @ 0430 i have been able to do both and since i sat in meditation first i'm now full of reflection.

What comes first to my mind is .. my stolen bicycle. I foolishly felt safe enough to occasionally leave it unlocked inside my gated yard which is chained shut @ night. However some poor soul maybe not realizing or more likely NOT CARING that a bicycle with lights and a basket cost a P/C/V close to a month's salary ... stole it! As an event; it has affected me more than anything else that has happened in Tonga. I now look @ people with a suspicion, "are you the ONE that stole my bike that meant so much to me ????? " And for that reason I regret that i had forgotten to lock it that night. Whoever stole it will most likely will continue to steal and that is NOT my problem, I instead,have to let it go so that i can continue to free myself of attachment and be more focused in the NOW rather than be upset with the past. So in this over the top christian nation i forgive the B-st-rd.... obviously whoever stole it sleeps through the early morning church bells and lacks the moral christian values that this island nation so strongly embraces.

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